“Difficult time and bad experience is valuable lesson for the future”
Difficult time and bad experience
is valuable lesion for the future but if you continually let that happen with
you then it will make your life disaster. The bad experience or difficult time
is ultimately outcome of our decision. More you careful in taking decision less
chances of bad thing happen. Decision is affected by our environment. We should
be very careful and never make decision in hurry or with emotion because in
that decision is taken by heart.
Experience or time is either good
or bad depending upon our action. Where bad time or experience is a great teacher.
It makes us practical, rational, hard and careful. It makes us more mature in
life. For example, we start using helmet while driving a vehicle until accident
happened. Sometimes it happens that bad experience makes people hard to trust
on someone. The famous Gujarati phrase is there that ‘દૂધ નો દાજેલો છાસ બી ફૂંકી ફૂંકી ને પીવે’ . It means
a person who hurt by hotmilk; prefer to check twice before drinking chilled
butter milk. A bad time shows us the real value of what we have and what we
lost in form of wealth, health and relations.
Real thing of bad time or
experience is not to learn a lesson but execute that lesson in future. Every person
learns by experiences but it is valuable for whom who applies it in future and
move on rather than standing with failure and digging its root.
last, to be a successful one should learn and keep moving on in damn long life.
There is number of experiences are in waiting for us. Bad time can be passed
with a smile.
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